Monday, February 09, 2009

various pictures

Anthony & Biaggio Morella birthday party!

ally & anthony

ally would not ride uncle josephs pony. too many people were looking at her

little d went for a ride!

ally & dustin in daddy's new blind

Little D is in Dustins onesie that he wore as a baby.


Dustin & I went to Eastern Wa.- Desert Aire on saturday (thank you auntie angie for taking the kiddos), all of a sudden when we were driving there was Thick dark almost looked like thick smoke. Then once you got in it, it was like driving through a super dark tunnel. The temperature also dropped like 5 degrees. It was crazy...this picture just doesn't show how it really was.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a great time at the birthday party..Horses are always a big hit!!
Glad you guys got to get away without kids..
ps. check out Heather's blog

Allison said...

That picture of Dustin on the pony is hilarious! What an expression. Tell Ally she can come ride her auntie Allison's horses. No one will look at her....promise.